1: 1. Safeguard your computer with strong passwords. 2. Install reliable antivirus software regularly.

2: 3. Update your operating system and software promptly. 4. Be wary of suspicious email attachments or links.

3: 5. Enable firewall protection for added security. 6. Avoid downloading files from untrustworthy sources.

4: 7. Regularly backup your important data to external drives. 8. Use secure networks and avoid public Wi-Fi networks.

5: 9. Be cautious of phishing scams and never share sensitive information.

6: 10. Secure your computer with biometric authentication if available.

7: 11. Keep your browser and plugins up to date.

8: 12. Educate yourself about common hacking techniques.

9: 13. Use a virtual private network (VPN) for secure internet browsing.