1: 1. The Amur Leopard survives in harsh conditions. Only 60 remain worldwide.

2: 2. The vaquita, a tiny porpoise in Mexico, has just 10 left due to fishing nets.

3: 3. Sumatran Orangutans face deforestation, leaving only 7,500 alive today.

4: 4. Pangolins, the most trafficked mammal, suffer poaching. Over one million killed.

5: 5. The Javan Rhino is critically endangered, with less than 70 individuals left.

6: 6. Hawksbill Turtles battle pollution and habitat loss. Merely 8,000 persist.

7: 7. The California Condor, once reduced to 27, now reaches 400 thanks to conservation efforts.

8: 8. Saola, the rare Asian antelope, has fewer than 250 remaining due to hunting.

9: 9. The Cross River Gorilla, with only 300 left, faces threats from logging and hunting.